Danbro Goes Deep for the Bayshore Fire District

Danbro Goes Deep for the Bayshore Fire District –

Chesterfield Associates were bidding on the foundation for an addition to the headquarters for the Fire Department in Bayshore, New York. “We did what we often do for helical work,” stated Kyle Allan, Project Manager for Chesterfield. “We reached out to Frank D’Angelo at Danbro to review the plans and see if we could obtain a competitive advantage in the bidding process.” Danbro, equipped with the IDEAL Foundation Products arsenal, once again came through.

L. K. McLean & Associates were the structural engineers of record and immediately recognized that this job required a low-impact, non-invasive installation. The proximity of the addition to the existing headquarters building called for small equipment and no vibration. Helical Piles were a solid choice, but it was a public project, so competition was stiff. Tony Ross, Chesterfield’s Chief Estimator, was looking for an edge. Danbro’s Steve Gencorelli, armed with IDEAL’s high-strength pipe piles, gave Ross the leverage he was looking for.

“We are in a real nice place with IDEAL pipe piles,” observed Gencorelli. “Not only do we have a large and diverse line of products, which allows us to go after more projects,” he noted, “but IDEAL furnishes higher yield strengths on many of their products, giving our Installers a competitive advantage.”

L. K. McLean originally specified another manufacturer’s 4.5” pipe pile to carry the fifty-ton load. However, using IDEAL’s 3.5” pipe with a .300 wall thickness enabled Chesterfield to achieve the 100 kip capacity at a lower cost per pile, giving them the competitive edge they were looking for to win the job.

The competition could not achieve the capacity with their 3.5” pipe with only 50 KSI steel strength and had to bump up to 4.5” helical pipe piles. IDEAL’s 3.5” pipe is stronger with 80 KSI, enabling Chesterfield to win the bid with a less expensive pile.

“The piles went deeper than expected, so Danbro recommended a trailer with an additional 14-inch helix in addition to a 10”, 12”, 14”,14” lead,” noted Allan. “Danbro was able to get additional extensions to the site promptly when we discovered we were going deeper than anticipated. That made the GC, SJ Hoerning, happy as we were able to stay on schedule.”

“We’re confident that, if we get a job, it is going to be done right,” commented Allan from Chesterfield, “but you’ve got to get the job first. The IDEAL Product and Danbro’s support gave us the competitive edge we needed to win the project and complete it on time.”