A project in Manhattan with with very restrictive access and mobilization challenges required a deep foundation for an addition to an apartment complex. A load test was required by the NYC D.O.B to verify the load. A helical pipe pile achieved the capacity and mitigated site issues.
Project Summary:
- Helical Pile Type: RS4500.337 Wall
- # of Helical Piles: 38
- Location: Manhattan, NY
- Installation Depth: 70′
- Ultimate Pile Capacity: 80 kips
- Equipment Used: Skid Steer 30K Drivehead Digital Torque Indicator
- Challenge/Unique Aspect: All construction material and equipment had to be brought in through a constructed tunnel to access the site. Other piling systems required a crane to lift everything over the buildings from the street. Helical piles come in easily transported segmented lengths and mitigate mobilization issues.
- Installer: Audubon Environmental & Helical Piers